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The pandemic can bring out the best and worst in you. Thus, causing you to feel anxious, confused, scared, worried, or angry. It certainly pushed you to your limits on how to cope and survive. You may experience stress because of fear of contracting the virus, being away from your loved ones, and the financial difficulties you may face.

Moreover, it forced us humans, who are classified as "social animals," into isolation and lockdown measures. Regardless if you're an extrovert or introvert, it is natural for us to seek the companionship of others. It is part of our DNA. 

That said, a favorite companion of humans is a pet dog or cat. It is known that pets can help alleviate depression, stress, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness and social isolation. However, sometimes we can’t have little Cocos and Lunas because of certain situations. 

Reasons why you can't have living pets

Who can say no to furry companions? Who can refuse to be with these adorable and snuggly critters? Unfortunately, when the situation calls for it, we can't help but cut them off in our lives or not have one in the first place. 

One of the reasons is if you're allergic to cats or dogs. In this article, we explained the real cause of pet allergies, and nope, it is not the fur or pet hair. It is because of the dander, and proteins in the urine and saliva from pets. Even though there are pet allergy remedies that may keep symptoms away, the best and scientifically proven solution is never to have pets.

Another health implication of having pets around is it may cause more stress to older adults, especially those who are suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's. How? Cats and dogs are still animals in nature, meaning they have different temperaments and unpredictable behavior. It may be challenging for an older person to deal with this because of deteriorating motor and sensory skills. They won't be able to control the rowdy pet's behavior.

Moreover, outsiders such as volunteers are not yet allowed to visit nursing homes due to COVID-19 or lockdown restrictions. For that reason, pet therapies, which are organized by volunteers, are not also permitted.

Pets and kids are not also a good mix sometimes. Studies show that pet ownership teaches kids to be compassionate, kind, and responsible. However, it depends on the readiness and willingness of the child to handle pet parent responsibilities. It may also pose a problem for busy guardians or parents who are not always with their children. After all, pets are ultimately an obligation of adults in the house.

Last but not least, the "no pets" policies enforced by landlords in rental housing accommodations. But sometimes tenants can keep their beloved pets for a higher rent or additional monthly fees, which is quite inconvenient considering you still have animal vaccines and kibble to deal with.

What is the alternative to family pets?

Luckily, you can still have a furry companion during stay-at-home restrictions. This is through lifelike pets such as Perfect Petzzz. Realistic pets almost passed the uncanny valley of pets because it seems feels and breathes like a real living pet.

With Perfect Petzzz, you don't have to worry about pet allergies because it is 100% made of synthetic fur. Realistic pets like these have ultra-soft fur and just emit cute little snores, which helps older people remain calm and relax. 

You can use Perfect Petzzz as a way to introduce kids to real pet ownership. Lifelike pets can be with them 24/7, which means unlimited hugs and cuddles! Children can also brush their fur all the time without the worry of annoying or hurting it. 

You don't also have to be afraid of getting evicted from your apartment or condo because of noisy and rowdy pets. Perfect Petzzz behaves like angels. Moreover, being kicked out from your home should be the least of your concerns during this pandemic, right?

Are lifelike pets as effective as being with living pets?

This is the million-dollar question of realistic pet skeptics. But it has been proven in several studies and occasions that lifelike pets are a perfect alternative to family pets.

According to a news article, it has been found that those who have mild to moderate dementia who interacted with a realistic pet had lower levels of depression, anxiety, and stress.

CBInsights research proved that lifelike pets were effective in decreasing the feelings of loneliness among older people.

Recently, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs distributed realistic pets to some senior citizens in Florida who have been isolated because of coronavirus-prompted social distancing measures. The agency believes that it can improve the quality of life and well-being of ADRD (Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia) patients.

Do we need to say more?

Key takeaways

In times like this, especially when everyone is battling an invisible enemy, we should never lose hope. The American Red Cross suggested some tips on coping with stress during COVID-19, or you may also use these tips to fight life stress in general. Tips such as staying connected with loved ones through video calls, avoiding social media accounts that promote fear-mongering, getting enough rest or sleep, eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, meditation, and taking care of pets. If having living pets are impossible based on the circumstances mentioned above, you can have a realistic pet like Perfect Petzzz that can be a vital part of your support system without hassles or expenses.

Each Perfect Petzzz bundle includes a new plush pet bed, collar with pet tag, pet brush, and adoption certificate. It's available for purchase through our Amazon site. For any other inquiries, contact us here. 

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