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15 Best Therapy Dog Breeds That Will Fill Your Life with Hope and Positivity

Life seems to slow down and take a dark turn when we battle physical or mental sickness. But we may just find the light at the end of the tunnel with a therapy dog by our side.  

Therapy dogs significantly improve people’s overall health. Having them around can make life hopeful and positive once more. They are also reliable helpmates for elders in care homes, hospital patients, and even homebodies who long for companionship. 

If you are looking for one for yourself or the people dear to you, this blog post is for you. We’ll talk about the characteristics of the best therapy dogs and the top 15 breeds that can be your companion. Let’s start!

Traits of the Best Therapy Dog Breeds

Not all dogs can give therapy. Some make the best service dog, working dog, or guard dog. Although dogs are trainable, certain characteristics make some breeds perfect for the role. Look for the traits below to find a reliable companion for yourself or your loved ones. 

Quiet and Calm

A therapy dog should be quiet and calm to make people more at ease when approaching and petting them. Snapping and barking should not be habits of the dog as these may affect the people needing therapy. 

Sensitive to Your Emotions

People going through mental, physical, or emotional difficulties may or may not show signs; thus, a therapy dog should be good at detecting their feelings. It should be sensitive enough to know that their human companion needs a cuddle, a short walk, or playtime.

Energetic at the Right Time

Dogs are naturally curious and playful, but if a dog is too energetic, it might not be comfortable staying still for some of the patient's therapy work. On the other hand, a good therapy dog knows when to calm down and just sit on their human's lap for some petting.   

Open to Petting

Sick and sad patients long for company and warmth, which they'll get by having a dog they can pet and cuddle. Thus, dogs that are too sensitive to touch and snap at anyone who pets them aren't the best candidates to become therapy dogs.

Intelligent and Trainable

All dogs are innately intelligent, but therapy dogs need training. They need to learn a couple of commands to enhance their skills and assist patients in their activities.


Like other animals, dogs need care and maintenance. But individuals who already find it challenging to take care of themselves should have dogs that are easy to clean. The best therapy dogs do not shed and drool much, so cleaning them won't be a challenge.

15 Best Therapy Dog Breeds

The traits discussed above come more easily to some breeds. They have it all— the personality, temperament, and behavior to become the animal companions of people needing attention and love. 

If you or a loved one needs a therapy dog, these are the dog breeds to consider.

  1. Labrador Retrievers: Calm and Therapeutic

Labrador retrievers can be not only your companion but also your family. They may be huge, but Labs are gentle and calm—they can sit with their human companion all day. If you get one, be ready to shower them with attention and love; Labs love them!

  1. Golden Retrievers: Congeniality Champions

If you are looking for therapy dogs that are great with adults and kids alike, you can rely on the friendliest therapy dog breed—the golden retriever. Golden retrievers love petting and cuddling, so playful children can interact and play with them. Despite being huge, they are calm, kind, fun, and always open to affection. If you are a caregiver, you will not worry about the dogs harming kids or elders.

  1. Poodles: Cute and Clean

Poodles are not only cute, but they also do not shed or drool. Their small size also makes them great companions if you have a small living space. 

This breed, whether it's a standard poodle or a toy poodle, You can pet them or pass the time grooming their lovely coats. 

  1. Pomeranians: Filled with Wanderlust

Some people need to wander to refresh their minds and work some sweat. So if you like going on walks or trails, So if you like going on walks or trails, Pomeranians are a great therapy dog. They are also fantastic travel buddies. They are curious and energetic, but when it is your downtime, Pomeranian dogs will calmly sit on your lap and relax with you, enjoying your caress and petting.

  1. French Bulldogs: Small Space Navigators

French bulldogs have a unique gift: they can sense the emotions of people around them and respond accordingly. They can give the quiet affection and warmth you are looking for or switch to their fun side to please and play with you. Their cute looks and loving behavior will instantly bring you and other people great joy. 

  1. Greyhounds: Graceful Loungers

Greyhounds have many excellent characteristics that make them perfect therapy dogs. They are great walking or running companions as they have the stamina for it. Despite their speed, they love to lounge too. If you find calm from sitting by the porch and experiencing your surroundings, they can sit with you and enjoy some petting.

  1. Pugs: Intuitive

Pugs are one of the most intuitive breeds. They can sense your emotional needs and try their best to provide them to you. They are also great lapdogs because of their size and relaxed energy.

Although they do not exert much energy, they are still up for some playtime if you need it! Pugs are independent, but they are also great with groups as they love affection and attention.

  1. Dachshund: Fun-Loving

If you crave some joy as you face physical, emotional, or mental challenges, dachshund dogs are perfect. They’re like little balls of sunshine. They also like to explore and are very active. Anyone who finds walking or running therapeutic can take these furry friends out with them. They like to keep their paws busy, and you can play with them or have fun just watching them. 

  1. German Shepherds: Activity Leaders

More often, we see German shepherds as police companions because of their intelligence. When training to become therapy dogs, they are quick to learn commands. A German shepherd is fierce, but it can be gentle too when serving as a companion to the sick and weak.

  1. Border Collie: Pleasers

Border collies live for the praises of the people around them. Nothing can distract them whenever they are doing something because they want to finish their task and please their owners. People who do not like being alone can identify with border collies as these dogs love company and feel down when on their own.

  1.  Beagles: Queen Bees 

Beagles are one of the most affectionate breeds, and they love being around people. Whether serving at home or at an institution, they love the attention they get. They can serve as kids’ playmates or companions that the elderly can pet on their laps. However, beagles are barkers, so they will need bark training.

  1. Yorkshire Terriers: Alarm Raiser

If you take medicines that make you doze off often and quickly, a Yorkshire terrier is perfect. It's a small dog, but it is great at sensing danger. It can serve as your alarm to wake you up in case of emergencies. A Yorkshire terrier is also sensitive to the needs of humans; it's as if it can understand everything that's happening.  

  1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Achievers

Once a Cavalier King Charles learns to do something, they’ll always complete it. That’s why they’re great at helping individuals fulfill specific tasks as a part of their healing or therapy. Think about how exciting it would be to have a furry friend with you as you do your everyday activities. They will fill each task with joy. 

  1. Corgis: Always Smiling

To live a happier life, we are often told to smile or make someone else smile. Corgis are a living reminder of this. They have perpetually smiling faces that reflect their fun and outgoing nature. They love to run around in wide spaces. You will surely be smiling as you watch them play or do activities with them. 

  1. Maltese: Relaxed Temperament

Losing the ability to walk and move is a challenging situation some people face, but it can get better when there is someone around to help. Maltese dogs can sit and lay with you all day and give you the companionship you need. They are also smart, so you can train them to get some things for you if you cannot move. 

Perfect Petzzz: An Excellent Therapy Dog Substitute

Having therapy dogs around has many benefits. Nevertheless, they come with a couple of responsibilities like cleaning after them, feeding them, training them, and ensuring they are healthy. Although these tasks may be easy for able-bodied people, people with disability may find them challenging. 

The great news is that an excellent alternative is available—the Perfect Petzzz!

Perfect Petzzz offers interactive pets that can fulfill your need for companionship and warmth. You can pet them as they sleep and snore on your lap. They are also low-maintenance, so you do not need to worry about shedding and other pet care responsibilities. 

Do you prefer cats over dogs? We also have these purry pets in our collection!

Final Thoughts

Therapy dogs offer hope to people struggling in life. Physical limitations, mental worries, and emotional hardships all seem to fade away in the company of therapy dogs. 

While you can train all dogs, pet therapy comes more easily to some breeds because of their traits and personalities. So if you want to make room for a therapy dog in your life, get the best therapy dog breeds. 

You can find joy in Perfect Petzzz, too, especially if you cannot handle the responsibilities of owning a dog. You can reap the same benefits as having real dogs with no pet needs to fulfill.If you think this option works for you, feel free to check out our lifelike pets on Amazon!

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