Owner brushing fluffy cat.
Our furry friends are born for adventures. They enjoy exploring the world with their inquisitive noses. Their curiosity pushes them to consume almost anything they stumble upon. It's a beautiful sight to witness at home, but it also raises serious concerns that might lead you to dial a pet poison helpline.
Pet Poison Awareness Month is coming this March. Let's help your furry buddy march into a poison-free home by pet-proofing your household!
Some household items may appear harmless, but they can potentially poison your pet. It's every pet owner's worst nightmare, but the good news is that it's entirely avoidable! You can start by organizing your things at home.
Pet hotlines receive thousands of phone calls every year about potentially poisoned pets. What's more, most situations are caused by something safe for humans but not pets! This is enough reason to educate yourself on preventing such a situation.
Here are common pet poisons at home to keep away from your furry friend's sight, according to the ASPCA animal poison control.
File Name: pet poison helpline poisoned.jpg
Alt tag: pet poison helpline poisoned - side view of gray cat sitting beside various cleaning products
Make human food inaccessible to your furry buddy. Never leave leftover food lying around the household. It will also help if you don't leave pantry doors or trash cans open and don't feed your pet table scraps.
We are referring to the following (but not limited to) prohibited foods:
Houseplants are beautiful, can positively impact mood levels, and improve air quality. However, some of them also pose risks, especially when ingested. Consumption of any plant substance may cause vomiting and gastrointestinal upset in most animals. Like us, our lovely pet companions also need protection from certain plants due to their poisonous nature.
Here's a preview of which plants to avoid:
The ASPCA animal poison control currently has a list of 1028 plants that can potentially harm your pet.
Chemicals in most household cleaning products are poisonous to all pets. So store these items away from your pet’s reach or consider switching to non-toxic alternatives:
A 2020 ASPCA report showed that over-the-counter medication is the most common cause of pet poisoning calls. This refers to both human and pet medications, so you must put them out of your furry pal's reach. Cosmetics are another related cause.
Ensure not to leave a trace of them unattended on the counter, accessible cupboard, or an open bag.
Here's what to avoid:
Avoid using pest control products on your pet, especially when they're not made specifically for them. A mosquito repellent is one example. It contains DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide), which may cause neurological issues in dogs and cats.
Insecticides and baits (rodents, slugs, and snails) also harm your pet when ingested. They may cause blood clotting diseases, kidney failure, brain swelling, and severe seizures or tumors. Always ask your vet for an appropriate pest control product for your pet.
Below are other household items to watch out for to avoid pet poison.
Preventing pet poisoning also means being able to recognize the symptoms. Doing so will help you know when to reach out to a pet poison helpline or vet for immediate help.
Remember the following signs of a potential poison threat in your pet.
If you notice these symptoms, seek assistance from your vet or a pet poison helpline right away.
Pets are curious creatures, so they are constantly exposed to various objects and substances, some of which may be hazardous. Accidental spills, dropped food scraps, or even pretty flower petals or leaves scattered can spell disaster.
Before it happens, give your pet a safe space to fulfill their curiosity without running into potential toxins. Start by pet-proofing your household. Keep certain foods, cleaning and pest control products, houseplants, and other substances out of your pet's reach. When worse comes to worst, seek help from a pet poison helpline or a nearby animal poison control center.
Most importantly, remember that pet health and safety are year-round concerns. This awareness month is an excellent reminder to pet-proof your home, but you should do it regularly. Here's to a lovely and toxic-free household!
Are you responsible enough to take the necessary steps in pet-proofing your home? If you decide that the life of a pet owner is worrisome enough, don't worry. Here's a great alternative without poison control concerns. Try lifelike dogs and cats from Perfect Petzzz!
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