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Lately, you might have noticed your fur baby is making several trips to their water dispenser. Meanwhile, you've been consuming ice pops and drinking ice-cold drinks more than usual.

It is understandable because of the historic heat wave which has been happening in the United States (46.6°C or 115.88°F), Canada (49.6°C or 121.28°F), Middle East (50°C or 122°F), Kuwait (53.2°C or 127.76°F), and other parts of the world since the summer started. 

Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there because NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) reported it will get hotter in the future. "[A]s the human impact on the climate increases, we have to expect that records will continue to be broken," GISS Director Gavin Schmidt said.

Therefore, you have to look out for your beloved pets whenever you can. Believe it or not, this heat wave affects pet dogs and cats more than humans.

Maybe this is why July is the Pet Hydration Awareness Month. So what is that all about?

July: National Pet Hydration Awareness Month

It is a month-long campaign declared by PetSafe, which serves as a reminder to pet parents like you to diligently monitor the daily water intake of your furry family member during summer. We are now in the middle of summer, so expect "pressure-cooker" temperatures in the following weeks. Hence, your pets need you more than ever to help them to relieve themselves from the summer heat.

Another reason why PetSafe did this is that they know pet health doesn't get the same concern as human health. Some pet parents will only take action when their pet becomes ill. Thus, the said company launches this public awareness campaign every July.

What Is the Percentage of Your Pet’s Body Water Content?

We've mentioned above that heat waves affect pets more than us humans. Why? According to the US Geological Survey, we are composed of 55 to 60% water. How about animals like dogs and cats? 

PetSafe revealed that 80% of your fur baby's body is made up of water! Unbelievable, right? Who would have thought they were holding so much water inside their small bodies? You should also note that the amount of daily water intake of your pet depends on their body weight. 

For instance, dogs and cats have different daily water needs. Fetch by WebMD suggests that canines should drink 1 oz of water per pound of their weight daily. On the other hand, cats need 3.5 to 4.5 oz of water per 5 lb of weight on a daily basis.

But now that it’s hotter than before, how would you know if they need to drink more water or they are suffering from dehydration?

Signs Your Pet Needs More Water

Unlike humans, you can't tell right away if your furry companion is dehydrated since they don't visibly sweat like us (or whine vocally). You have to monitor them closely and watch out for the symptoms below:

  • Sunken eyes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Low energy levels
  • Lethargy
  • Panting
  • Dry and sticky gums
  • Dry nose
  • Lack of skin elasticity

Speaking of skin elasticity, you may try this simple test to determine if your fur baby is dehydrated or not, according to PetMD. First, lift the loose skin of your pet, and then let it go. If the skin returns down flat in an instant, they are well-hydrated. Otherwise, if it returns slowly or looks "tented," they need fresh, cool water ASAP! In a worse case where they experience two or more of the symptoms above, they need professional help.

Tips on How to Prevent Pet Dehydration This Summer

Whether they are dehydrated or not, you must do the following for the sake of your pet's health and welfare:

  • Always provide your pet multiple bowls of clean, cool water and place it in different parts of your house.
  • Don't forget to bring a bottle of water and a bowl with you whenever you and your pet are outdoors.
  • Make them drink water before and after an activity like walking or playing.
  • Observe your pet's liquid consumption and see to it that they are drinking enough water.
  • Clean your pet's water container regularly to prevent bacteria from accumulating.
  • Schedule walks with your pets on the chiller parts of the day.
  • Treat them with ice cubes aside from their regular treats, especially if the weather is too hot.

But what if I have a picky drinker?! Calm down, calm down. Here's what you can do:

  • Replace water bowls with pet water fountains to entice them to have a gulp of fresh water.
  • Mix some broth or ice cubes in the water bowl to make their drinking session more fun.
  • Make pet-friendly ice pops to provide them a chilly and tasty summertime treat.

What if I don't have enough time to monitor my pet's water intake? We understand your dilemma. So for new pet parents out there, we have an alternative solution.

Perfect Petzzz: A Huggable Pet That Doesn't Need to Be Hydrated—Ever

As much as you want to be with your pet whenever they are hungry or thirsty, it is impossible to do so because you also need to go to work or school or perform household chores. Luckily, an alternative pet exists for aspiring pet parents who aren't ready yet to have an actual fur baby. And it is called Perfect Petzzz.

Perfect Petzzz is a lifelike pet that looks and feels like a living pet. It is a cuddly furry companion that will only demand lots of hugs and kisses from you—nothing else.

Alternative pets like these can provide the same pet ownership experience minus hassles and expenses like vet bills. They never get hungry or thirsty. Their only habit is sleeping peacefully on their soft bed while emitting cute little snores! Instant stress reliever after being exposed on a scorching summer day.

You can buy Perfect Petzzz on our site or Amazon. For questions and concerns, contact us here

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