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Training your dog is one of the most rewarding aspects of pet ownership. Not only does it enhance your dog's behavior and safety, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend. In this dog training guide, we'll explore 10 essential dog commands every pup should know. Whether you’re training a Border Collie, Beagle, or any other breed, these dog training commands will help you nurture a well-behaved, obedient pet and ensure a harmonious living environment.

Command 1: Sit

Learning the sit command for dogs is a fundamental command that serves as the foundation for many other commands. It’s useful for maintaining control in various situations, such as greeting guests or waiting at crosswalks.

The girl is training the puppy on a dark background. The dog and the owner play against the background of the wall.

Steps to Teach:

  • Hold a treat close to your dog's nose.
  • Move your hand up, allowing your dog's head to follow the treat and causing their bottom to lower.
  • Once they're in a sitting position, say "Sit," give them the treat, and show affection.

Command 2: Stay

The stay command keeps your dog in place until you release them. Training a dog to stay is crucial for safety, especially in potentially dangerous situations.

Steps to Teach:

  • Ask your dog to sit.
  • Open your palm in front of you and say "Stay."
  • Take a few steps back, then return and reward your dog.
  • Gradually increase the distance and duration.

Command 3: Come

This command ensures your dog comes to you, no matter the distractions. Training a dog to come is essential for keeping your dog safe and under control when off-leash.

Steps to Teach:

  • Put a leash on your dog.
  • Get down to their level and say "Come" while gently pulling the leash.
  • When they reach you, reward them with praise and a treat.

Command 4: Down

Teach your dog to lie down on command. The lie down command for dogs can help calm your dog and is useful in many situations, such as during vet visits.

Steps to Teach:

  • Hold a treat close to your dog's nose.
  • Move your hand to the floor, following the treat until they lie down.
  • Once down, say "Down," give the treat, and offer praise.

Command 5: Leave It

This command is an essential to your dog obedience training. It teaches your dog to ignore or release objects which can keep your dog safe from harmful objects and prevents undesirable behavior.

Steps to Teach:

  • Show your dog a treat in one hand and say "Leave it."
  • Let them sniff, but don't give the treat.
  • When they lose interest, give them a treat from the other hand.

Command 6: Drop It

Useful for getting your dog to release items from their mouth. The drop it command for dogs prevents your dog from ingesting harmful objects and helps in retrieving stolen items.

Steps to Teach:

  • Hold a treat and say "Drop it" while showing the treat.
  • When your dog releases the item, give them the treat.

Command 7: Heel

The heel command for dogs keeps your dog walking at your side. This makes walks more enjoyable and controlled.

Side view of a cute quiet obedient tricolor puppy sitting on his haunches by a professional dog trainer

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