Owner brushing fluffy cat.
Snobbish, grumpy, independent, and bossy. These are the characteristics we often associate with cats. That is why we leave them to their own devices and wait for them to shower us with their attention. Cats are the favorite pets of people who want to have a furry friend but don't have time for playmates around the house.
Do cats want our attention or instead, we just let them be? They are often seen as solitary creatures who don't need companionship or can survive without their pet parents' attention. However, this is one of several misconceptions we've made up about our feline companions.
This article will discuss some of the myths or misconceptions that we have about cats.
Are cats not capable of forming emotional attachments?
Based on a study from Oregon State University, cats behave similarly to infants, forming secure and insecure bonds with their parents. They found that cats are capable of creating emotional attachments.
One of the study researchers, Kristyn Vitale, said, "Like dogs, cats display social flexibility in regard to their attachments with humans. The majority of cats are securely attached to their owner and use them as a source of security in a novel environment."
How did they figure this out? They let a pet parent spend two minutes with a kitten or adult cat. Then they left the cat on its own for two minutes. When it was time to reunite the feline with their human caregivers, the researchers identified three types of cats' attachment styles.
The first type of attachment is where secure felines have no problem returning to relaxed exploration or bonding with their owner. In the second attachment style, insecure cats became clingy, called insecure-ambivalent attachment. The last was an insecure-avoidant attachment, where once reunited with their owner, the cat gave them the cold shoulder.
So yes, cats can hold a grudge after they experienced neglect from their owners, but they also can get excited at the sight of their human counterparts.
Do cats always land on their feet?
Cats are incredible climbers. You will sometimes catch them on top of cupboards, trees, roofs, and kitchen counters. Even more astounding is they can balance themselves on the narrow top of a door or unleash their spidey skills by climbing on walls!
Pet owners aren't worried about their cat's adventurous and bold behavior because they trust that they could always land on their feet--right? Felines of all kinds are indeed agile creatures thanks to their brilliant "righting reflex" and unique skeletal structure.
What is the "righting reflex"? As defined by PhysLink.com, righting reflex "is the cat's ability to first know up from down, and then the innate nature to rotate in mid-air to orient the body, so its feet face downward." This is combined with a cat's extraordinarily flexible backbone and the absence of a collarbone in the skeleton. No wonder cats can fit or slip through impossible tiny spaces!
Contrary to popular belief, not all cats can miraculously survive a fall. According to Blue Cross, every year, there are reports of cats who sustain injuries after falling from great heights. Injuries like bone fractures, sprains, respiratory issues, and various life-changing damages. Others, sadly, don't make it.
This ongoing myth is in line with another belief that's been around since the olden days.
Do cats have nine lives?
Thanks to ancient Egyptians' affinity to cats, our feline friends achieved a mythical status. Pawp says that they worshipped gods that looked like a cat or with a half-feline form. Ancient Egyptians highly regarded cat's innate protective, motherly nature and connected it to immortality and divinity.
Furthermore, some believe it originates from an English proverb: A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays. Or it could be from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, where it states in Act 3, Scene 1: Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives.
Despite the idea that cats have nine lives, it simply isn't true. Because cats, like other animals, have only one precious life. Our furry feline companions are susceptible to sickness. Based on a study published in Scientific Reports, kidney disease is the number one cause of cats' death around age 15.
For this reason, cats still need regular checkups. They must go to a veterinarian to get their vaccines, consultations, and dental exams. Although cats can get out of sticky situations, never take for granted your furry feline pet's health and wellbeing.
Perfect Petzzz: A feline buddy that broke all stereotypes
Don’t worry; there is a pet cat that never experiences separation anxiety, abandonment issues, injuries, and sickness throughout its life. This pet cat will never perform any acrobatic stunts that will make you anxious.
Yes, this type of furry feline companion does exist, and it is called Perfect Petzzz.
Perfect Petzzz offers the same real pet ownership experience as living pets without the hassles and expenses like vet bills. It is an alternative pet that behaves like the real one. You can leave them for a very long time because they will only sleep in their soft bed 24/7. Those soft snores they emit will be like a balm that soothes your tired mind and body.
Perfect Petzzz can still provide the same companionship and comfort level as its living counterparts. What's more, is you can cuddle with them any time, and they won't wiggle free from your hold!
Each Perfect Petzzz bundle includes a new plush pet bed, collar with pet tag, pet brush, and adoption certificate. It is available for purchase through our Amazon site. For any other inquiries, contact us here.
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